Review of Darkness Take My Hand

Darkness, Take My Hand Darkness, Take My Hand by Dennis Lehane

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Patrick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro are back in this novel. I am fast falling in with these two characters. They take a case of a professor who is concerned her son is being stalked. While they initially find nothing, they are drawn into a serial killer’s web and chaos and confusion ensues. This was signficantly more bloody than “A Drink Before the War.”

View all my reviews.

5 ways

5 ways I am a traitor to my generation: (born in 1974)

  • I don’t own a cell phone
  • I never was that fond of Nirvana or Pearl Jam
  • I not only do not own, but am opposed to, ipods
  • I cook the majority of food I eat
  • I’ve only carried credit card debt for four months–and that was in 2000

5 ways I am the epitome of my generation:

  • There are two people in my household–and three computers
  • My job is a means to the end–and if I could ever figure out a different way to the end, I would
  • I volunteer on a regular basis for a variety of organizations
    I would be hard pressed to do anything without an internet connection
  • I am worried about the state of the world we live in now and the state previous generations have left it, but I am confident we can tackle and solve the problems

Requiem for an ugly brown chair.

“…and I love these earrings, that nobody loves but me.” Debbie Hunt in Singles.

Debbie Hunt had her earrings, I had my chair. This ugly brown chair was incredibly comfortable. It was a fabulous place to curl up and read a book and when I put some sort of throw over it, you could barely even tell it was that industrial-never-ever-will-rip 1970s fabric.

I got this chair when I lived at 40 Hobart Lane in Amherst, Mass and carried it with me when I moved to South Boston, Somerville, and all the way across the country to Portland where it lived happily in three separate places. But now I seem to have entered the adult life stage of “matching furniture” and it was time for the chair to go.

No one on Craig’s List wanted to pay for it. The Community Warehouse didn’t want it. No one on Craig’s List wanted it for free, either. Last Saturday, I paid someone $15.00 to cart away my beloved chair. I think he was after the money more than the chair.

My host family in Budapest.

Some of you may know that I am going to Hungary and Romania for two weeks in June and July with the church youth group I lead. I leave next Thursday and as the countdown goes on, I get more and more excited about the trip. This time (I went in 2005) we will be staying with host families in both Hungary and Romania. Today I received the following email:

Hey, Patricia!

I’m Barnabas,your host in Hungary. We are glad that you will come here! How are you? Do you know that we have one afternoon and a whole day to do something together. (my family and you) So we must think of a program you are interested in. What kind of program(s) do you want to have? Shopping day? Visiting monuments or builings? Tour in the woods? Seeing ruins? Museums? Or movie theatre which I do not suggest? Seeing the worst parts of Budapest(getto)? Seeing the richest parts of Budapest? Looking around in the parks? Visiting my dad’s hospital? Or whatever you want. So tell us what do you want to do in your freetime and we will help organising it.

Bye, Barnabas

Okay! Sounds like a good trip in the making.