Three sentence movie reviews: Love Jones

This is a great time capsule of 1997 Chicago and the black poetry scene.  It also is a love story of a couple who can’t quite get it together. I rarely see a movie with an all-black cast and that made this movie interesting, though I was confused by character motivations throughout and found that the movie dragged.*

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home

*I watched this movie because there was an article in the paper about a special showing with Theodore Witcher, the director. He was going to discuss that this was his one and only film.  It’s disappointing that he got one shot and nothing else, because I’ve seen far worse films by directors who go on to make other things.

I was quite impressed that the Multnomah County Library had it in its catalog.

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2 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Love Jones”

  1. I take it you didn’t make it to his talk? I’m curious as to what he feels the reason is he didn’t get another shot. This film is completely unknown to me.

    1. Yep. Too much going on. Sorry one-time director. I couldn’t even make it to your special showing with director talk-back.

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