Three sentence movie reviews: The Cake Eaters

While sometimes grabbing an unfamiliar movie from the library works out, sometimes it means 90-120 minutes of “ugh”.  So was the case for this movie which despite starring Kristen Stewart (who I like) and being directed by Mary Stuart Masterson (who was good in some key movies in my life) was not a very good movie at all.  Aside from the fact the title never bothers to connect itself to the movie,* the plot itself has many confusing attributes** that were just annoying.

*No cake was eaten, no discussion was made about cake, frosting or any desserts at all.
**Here’s a partial list:

  • Kristen Stewart’s illness was never really explained.  If you are going to have a rare disease in a movie, it pays to let your audience know what’s the deal.  
  • They live in a tiny town and yet these people seem to have no idea of the existence of each other.
  • “Intricately plotted” should only be used when the plot is, well, intricate. This was just members of the same two families sleeping with each other.
  • If you are going to have a “very sad realization” happen to one of the characters, you need to spell out a little better what the heck the realization is.
  • Movies where hair is cut in a dramatic fashion should manage the wig situation well enough so that the audience can’t tell there is a wig involved.

Cost:  Free from library (thank goodness)
Where watched:  at home.

poster from:

(note that the cover of the DVD had a big picture of Kristen Stewart unlike this original poster.  I think this film was picked up because of Twilight.)

3 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: The Cake Eaters”

  1. I saw this one free on instant watch a couple of years ago (I think). I can never remember the name of it. In my head it's "that one where Kristen Stewart is mentally handicapped or something." This is the only movie I've seen her in where I enjoyed her performance (not that I'm suggesting the actress is mentally handicapped; I'm just saying).

  2. She looks so lame on the front of the poster I cannot even consider it. She is so hard to watch on film. Thanks for the warning.

  3. I usually greatly enjoy her. I loved Adventureland, and the Runaways and even in Snow White and the Huntsman. But this movie was not very good at all.

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