
It’s just past seven o’clock a.m. and I can tell that I’m the third person to walk to the train this morning.

It wasn’t enough snow to be a bother, and not nearly the amount of snow that was predicted. This is the snowstorm that has reminded me why I never let myself get excited about Portland snow forecasts. Often they are much ado about nothing.

2 thoughts on “Snow!”

  1. You and two other brave souls from PDX!

    We are mostly snow free here at this point, with only the heartiest of snow piles still around. Though in MN that doesn’t mean we are out of the snow woods so to speak…last year we got ten inches the second week of April. Not this year please.

    1. That’s what I hated about Massachusetts winters. I would think I would be done and then we would get random snow waaaaay past the time there should be snow. I never really counted winter as over until the big pile of snow by the garage was gone. Sometimes that took until May.

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