This was a second viewing for me (a first for Matt) and I found the movie just as funny upon repeat viewing. We miscalculated, and attended a screening with very many children, which is always informative, learning about the parenting practices of today. However, everyone settled down once the movie got going and Everything [was] Awesome by the end.
Cost: $4.00 (McMenamins has finally raised their prices)
Where watched: Kennedy School.
poster from:
We were talking about watching this last night but never followed through. We probably should. I keep hearing how good it is.
we thoroughly enjoyed this movie, too. Our timing was more in the evening. And while there were a few kiddos, it was not too bad.
Patrick and I saw it in the theater… Nothing like finally getting a babysitter to go watch a cartoon as a date, but that is what we did. Patrick actually bought the theme song. And, in passing, we have decided that this will be one we purchase. (You can only go through listening to the same movie for so long before you crave a change!) The girls, I believe, are still too young to go to the movies. Lucy doesn't like loud noises to begin with and she has the attention span of, oh, a three year old!