Almost like we don’t live in Portland

This winter thing is no joke this year.  We got a lot of snow.  So much snow, that had it not happened overnight, we would have broken records.

So much snow that the people on the corner could make this larger-than-people-size snowman.

And then, after they make this massive snowman, it snows another six inches.

Here’s what it looked like when I shoveled at 6am.  And it kept snowing.

The trees in the neighboring backyard were heavy with snow.

The backyard was covered.

Antares watched the snow fall.
And then that snow?  It stayed.

Three sentence movie reviews: Spotlight

Snow Day Cancellations Day II meant there was time to catch Matt up with this film, which is all of the things listed on the poster.  I have trouble getting people to watch this, because everyone thinks they don’t want to watch a movie about the investigation of pedophile priests, but I’m telling those people that they do.  Because this is a movie about people working hard to do what’s right and it’s hopeful and moving in a way that no one would think a movie about the investigation of pedophile priests would be.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home with Matt

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