Mail from a Future Friend

Mail came today addressed to a future friend. Though I can see that it was sent from Dallas, this friend did not include a return address. How will I find my future friend?

Ah, but it’s just proselytizing. I think my future friend won’t want to be my friend if I don’t come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

What do you want to bet the “false religion” the mother was practicing was Catholicism?

I do love a friendly letter that ends in a scary quote from Revelation.

But! I love these booklets. I used to come across them on a fairly regular basis at bus stops and the like, but it’s been some times since I’ve gotten to read one.

Hims Isn’t a Big Seller at Walgreens

Matt and I have been catching up with shows on Hulu. Because I opted for the Hulu with commercials, we’ve seen a lot of commercials for Hims. We’ve seen fewer for Hers.

Hims is a company that hooks you up with a professional to help with hair loss/erectile disfunction/depression, and Hers focuses on depression/anxiety/weight loss (though hair loss is also a thing for women, though less advertised.) I find the ads’ focus a depressing reflection on our gender roles.

So I was amused to see that the product they are selling in the store was on super sale.

Funny Redistricting Suggestions

Portland is getting a new form of government, and with it comes the task of splitting the city in four districts. FLO Analytics was charged with this task. Part of what FLO offers is a platform so the public can make their own suggestions by creating maps.

This comes in handy because it helps the public see what elements come with trying to make reasonable district boundaries. The app walks potential mapmakers through all the things they need to consider. But sometimes, people just want to be creative, like in these four maps.

I appreciated how all but one mapmaker kept the districts about even in number.

Here’s what the final map looks like. I’m District 2.