Three sentence movie reviews: Girls Trip

If you are down for raunchy humor this movie is hil-ar-i-ous and very fun. Much as Kate McKinnon had her star-making turn in 2016’s Ghostbusters, so does Tiffany Haddish loom large and hilarious in every scene. Overall, a rollicking good time.

Cost: $1.50 from Redbox
Where watched: at home with Matt

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Three sentence movie reviews: Gangster Squad

This was one of those films violent enough I was glad to have knitting to stare at while bloody things were happening. I watched for the Stone/Gosling romance and that was good, as was the story in general. It was fun to see so many different actors bring their best to this narrative.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home

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How I stack up

The paper made this fun graphic of the “typical Oregonian.” Let’s see how I stack up.

  • Gender: I am indeed a woman.
  • Race: I am indeed white.
  • Age:  I am 43, not 39.2.  Not far off, though.
  • Education:  I have finished high school, gone on to college, and graduated three times: AA, BA, M.Ed.  I find it interesting that only 33% have gone on to obtain a bachelor’s degree as most of my friends have four-year-or-beyond degrees.  But I know that’s because of how we clump with similar people.
  • Income: I make more than “a little more than $30,000 per year.”  I know this has to do with my many degrees, and that I’m white. My combined household income is also much higher than the state’s median income.  I find this interesting as I feel like we can’t afford to go to on trips to far away places, and it seems like everyone else does this, but perhaps I have different priorities.
  • Housing: I do own my house (with Matt) and it’s not worth anything close to $287,000.  This is fine by me as I love my house, its mortgage payment is quite affordable and if it was worth more, my property taxes would be higher.
  • Where I live.  I do not live 32 miles southeast of Salem, I’m one of the people helping to move that dot ever closer to Portland.
  • Commute.  My commute is about 24 minutes, either by bike or public transportation.  I haven’t driven alone to work since 1995.

Three sentence movie reviews: Paddington Bear

I stayed far away from this movie in 2014, because I didn’t want a favorite childhood book to be ruined by the movie adaptation. However, Paddington 2 was getting such rave reviews from critics* that I decided to check it out. It did the opposite of ruining a childhood favorite; it made it better with a funny sweetness and great acting all around.**

Cost: Netflix subscription
Where watched: at home, with Matt, who had no childhood references to the book and also enjoyed the film.

*When critics are raving about Paddington 2, is something wacky in the world, or is it just that good of film?  Time will tell.
**Nicole Kidman=very fun villain. See also: To Die For

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Three sentence movie reviews: Tramps

A birdwalk on IMDB involving Grace Van Patten* brought me to this film which is a standard day-in-the-life story, this one involving two people operating right on the edge of criminal behavior. It held my attention, but did not dazzle, and I suspect I’m going to go off on another birdwalk chasing down Callum Turner, who was interesting to watch.

Cost: Netflix subscription
Where watched: at home

*Recently seen by me in the Meyerowitz Stories

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It snowed!

Aside from that stuff at Christmas that was really ice pretending to be snow, we have not had much in the way of the white stuff this winter. And here we are, in late February, with a snowstorm.

This was the perfect kind of snow. It looked very pretty and also didn’t really stick on the roads, so things weren’t very snarled up.

Thanks, winter, for being so polite. And pretty.

Goodreads commenter Rick makes a point

I did not love The Inexplicable Logic of My Life, but I appreciated Goodreads Member Rick’s response to the “homosexual activity” question posed. It reminded me to be grateful that we’re moving on from the view that things that certain kind of people do is “activity” instead just of living their lives like the rest of us.

Three sentence movie reviews: A Star is Born

Oh my goodness, Judy Garland is amazing and this movie is completely worth watching, three hour run time be damned.*   Who else but Garland could conjure up an entire production number by herself using a “practice record” and items present in her living room? In parts of the movie, Cukor seemed to be experimenting with still photos and voice over which was odd and didn’t work for me, but other than that, this movie was captivating.**

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home

*Don’t have time for 3 hours?  Marinate yourself in “The Man That Got Away
**So far, I’ve adored both versions of this story. I love how it’s not a story of exploitation, but of mutual love and respect. It’s a tale of love untainted by all the Hollywood stuff we know goes on (and has always gone one). It’s sad and it’s sweet and so very good. I’ve seen the preview for the 1970s version, though, and it looks like it’s going to destroy everything I love about this story, so I’m putting a healthy distance between this version and that one.

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Enchilada Bubble Up Casserole

I got very excited at the thought of a bubble up casserole, wherein the stuff below bubbles up between the bits of dough and it all cooks together into one delicious mass. So I made one. This is from Budget Bytes (and thank you, Jan, for the recommendation. It’s a great site.)

Sadly, I had too many biscuit drops and they all grew together before the enchilada sauce could bubble up. Only around the outsides did the bubbling up happen like I thought it would.

It was still very good. Also, I didn’t follow the directions fully and I accidentally put the cheese on before I put the biscuit pieces on. I think it looks better that way, anyway.