Travel Trends 2022, Via Google

Here’s what Google has to say about how I got around in 2022.

Without trying, I almost did one mile of walking per day. And I essentially did the equivalent of a cross-country journey via car. I wish I could mark the carpool trips. Carpooling to square dance seems to be a lot of the driving I do.

The post-pandemic transit lull continues. I think November is so high because I took a bus to Sisters. But how did Google know I was on a bus?

It was a good cycling year, with July being the best cycling month.

My First Zentangle (This Time Around)

In 2013 I got a postcard from Germany that introduced me to Zentangle (yet another good thing to come from Postcrossing). Not long after, I was in Powell’s and bought a Zentangle kit.

Like many impulse purchases, not much came of Zentangles in 2013, and I eventually donated the kit. But in December, I was aggressively doodling during a work meeting and remembered the existence of some focused doodling thingie. One google search later I was reminded of the name. From there I bought a used book, One Zentangle a Day: A Six-Week Course in Creative Drawing for Relaxation, Inspiration, and Fun by Beckah Krahula.

And here’s my first tile with tangle Static (the Z one), Tipple (the circles), and Crescent Moon (the one that looks like half moons).

I won’t be doing one Zentangle a day. But I will use the book to slowly learn about Zentangles. This is something I can do while I’m waiting for Sentinel to finish eating. I had been playing minesweeper, but this is more fun. Plus, I’m getting to practice shading, which has always been a drawing thing that has eluded me.

I also like how it’s a small art form (the tiles are 3 inches by 3 inches) and doesn’t come with a lot of accoutrements (a pen, pencil, and some paper can get you started.)