There is no discernible plot arc in this film, which could be the kiss of death, were the characters not so delightful to hang out with.* I related to Lucas Jade Zuman’s Jamie trying so very hard to connect with his much-older mother about feminist issues** despite the fact that she was not interested in relating to her son in that manner. The cast was outstanding, and there are several scenes in this movie I will think of with fondness for many years to come.***
Cost: $5.35
Where watched: Regal City Center Stadium 12 with S. North
*It’s also full of other stuff that could be really annoying, like intrusive voice over. Somehow, it manages to make those annoying things not-so annoying.
**Using Sisterhood is Powerful! Which was a seminal work of my teen years in the 80s and 90s.
***”Art Fags”; Elle Fanning’s list of why she likes having sex; the dinner party scene where Gerwig talks about things not talked about during dinner.
poster from:
From the preview, this definitely seemed like a film that could either be super annoying or really fun. I wonder what I’ll think of it, if I ever see it.
I pondered seeing this. It looked interesting. Nice to have your take on it.
There might be a few NFS moments, but not too terribly many. And Annette Bening is so good.