Postcards from Germany and Brazil and Slovenia and Belarus

Four postcrossing postcards arrived today.

This is from Manuela, who “is 29 [or possibly 25] years young girl.”  Among other things, she likes working on her puzzle with 18,000 pieces.IMG_5030

This is from Gisele in Brazil, who tells me this is a picture of a plant called capim dourado and is used to make a variety of things like bags, flowerpots and earrings.  Just the kind of information I love to learn.IMG_5031

Meuara writes from Slovenia that she should be studying for geography (she’s 14) but she decided to write me a postcard instead.  One of her favorite books is Wonder by RJ Palacio. I’ve read that book, so I was able to write back about that.IMG_5032

Marysia writes from Belarus.  She reports that she is a beautiful and kind whitecoat seal.  Apparently seals like sending postcards just as much as humans do.IMG_5033

I believe four postcards in one day is a record.  I love Postcrossing and I love getting postcards and I continue to marvel that they arrive in multiples on the same day, despite being sent from all over the globe. Given my druthers, I would rather have four separate days of my mailbox being happy, but this seems to be a case of like things clumping together.

Postcard from Belarus. And also Belarus.

This is from Alla and Vadim who write from the resort city of Rogachev. They write of the beauty of the two rivers the Dnieper and the Drut.  Their quote is “happiness is waiting happiness”.  I like this card.IMG_4994

Of all the postcrossing postcards in the world, I also received a second postcard from Belarus today!  This is from Alisa who is a student at medical university. Her favorite movie is Lord of the Rings and she dreams someday of visiting Ireland.IMG_4995

A bevy of postcards from a variety of places

These first three are from regular commentor Sara and I received them early in January.  I think their arrival must have coincided with the snow days and they somehow got lost in the shuffle.  Anyway, I like them a lot, especially the map–I’m a sucker for a map–and the multi-view with the ghostly Oregon Coast lettering.

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This is from someone in Germany.  I couldn’t actually read very much of her handwriting. She might feed camels with carrots?


From Pavel in the Czech Republic. In contrast to my German friend, her handwriting was neat as a pin and tiny, so she had a lot to report. Including this quite by Aldous Huxley:  An intellectual is a person who’s found one thing that’s more interesting than sex.


And here’s another postcard from Sara.  It was sent on 1/15/16.  She pointed out that 1+15=16 and it’s always fun when the date is an equation. Anyway, she sent me wishes that my new job countdown was getting smaller.  It was.
