Civics test

This post has been hanging around since January!

Always one for a good test, I took the American Civics Literacy Test back on January 26. There are 33 questions and the header for the test proclaims “OUR FADING HERITAGE.” As a certified Social Studies Teacher, a proud American, a History Major, I can tell you that it is important that people know the items on this test.

I was gunning for 100%, but only got 28 of 33 correct. That gave me an 84.85%–I love that they give your score to the hundredths place–which wasn’t as fabulous as I wanted it to be, but better than the average score of 73.8%.

Aside from testing you on knowledge I find important to know, you will receive an email with your results, what questions you missed and their answers and also a link so you can see how citizens and elected officials scored on each question. Answer: not as well as the citizens.

I missed the following questions: 7, 13, 15, 29 and 33. Can you do better?

2 thoughts on “Civics test”

  1. Well, I wasn't as good as you with my 78.79%. But I will say that you have a degree in History/Social Studies… I did beat the current average of 76% and made some ridiculous errors. It was mostly the economics questions that got me. -S

  2. I missed one more than you, giving me around 81%. The only one I missed that was the same as you was #7. I can't believe I got some of those last questions right. I kept thinking "Huh?" while reading them.

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