Kid-made signs

A trend in education that has more fully developed since I was a kid myself, is to let the children make signs and posters explaining things. At school we have kid made posters to explain our recycling system and classrooms usually use kid generated posters to explain topics they are studying. So of course, when a class has a fundraiser the students make the signs. This makes for some fabulous signs including this one where the child was suddenly transported back, syntax-wise, to the early 20th century:

Donate money
to Allegra’s Class
in need for hobo’s
homeless people
and more.

The sign stayed up for about a month and I giggled every time I read it.

One thought on “Kid-made signs”

  1. I. Love. Kids and their wonderful crazy lovely selves! This is classic. My kids also have a silly fascination with hobos. They talk about them all the time. I was intrigued and a lot confused. A parent finally clued me in as to why – iCarly talks about them – had a segment where they were discussed – something like that.

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