Sure does look like a bunch of unfinished projects…


I got a lot done this weekend–nearly finished all my to-do list–and still I see a lot of projects. The netting needs to be put up for the bush beans.  The jars need to be transferred to Leo’s garden.  The bag of dryer lint needs to be transferred to the yard debris bin.  The cardboard needs to be stripped of its tape and spread around the yard(s).  The straw needs to be spread over the cardboard. The two pots of zucchini need to be planted.  The raspberries need to be picked.  The apple tree bed needs to be turned over.  Those boards need to go elsewhere. And it probably wouldn’t hurt to sweep the porch.

Requiem: Purple Bowl

Oh purple bowl!  You came to me in an Easter care package my mother mailed me when I was living in Somerville, Massachusetts.  I don’t recall the other things in that package, but I took to you immediately. You were a big bowl, but not very heavy and you got a lot of use.  I planned to keep you with me for many more years.   But no.  You were in the oven, doing your job of proofing bread, and I forgot about you and preheated the oven to 400 degrees.  IMG_5451

No bread for me.  And worse, no more purple bowl.  I’m sorry you didn’t get a longer life.  And I’m also sorry I didn’t get to complete the last thing on my to-do list this weekend. IMG_5452