Postcards rotated

I think the last time I rotated the postcards was 2015. I remember doing it on the weekend before I started my job at Sabin, having just quit the Emerson School. Let’s look back at the blog and see if I’m right.  Indeed!  It has been more that 2.5 years!

So here is the new setup. Once I was done I realized I put them up in the wrong order, so the oldest are on the second row, right side, and then they work their way to the newest, which are the top row, left side.

Matt’s only question was “Where did the PCC come from?”  As chronicled here, they were from Sara, and they look great on the wall, just as she imagined.

New place for photos

It took a long time to figure out where these photos should go.  I didn’t want them above the TV anymore. We discussed having them on the wall under the heat pump, but I eventually discarded that idea because I thought it was too close to the kitchen and I would have to scrub grease off of them on a regular basis.

Instead, I put them above the bathroom door and above the picture that hides the fuse box.

Now they are still hanging around, but not quite so prominent.

It was good to get this project done.  I had to take a day off of work to do it, but it was worth it.

New display shelves for the living room

When we got the new TV in November it messed up the photo display by being too big. The lower photos in the display were blocked by its massive size.  I took everything down and the photos sat for a few months while I figured out what to do.

The other thing that happened is that we lost the display space on top of the television. (Flat screen drawback!) I had been displaying my postcards and a rotation of photos that had rotated out of the photo mobile.  Not to mention birthday cards. Where are we going to put those now?

The blank space above the TV is still there.  Nothing yet has moved me to fill it. But I did install two floating shelves, one each for postcards and photo, and reinstalled the fancy decorative shelf with photo frames we received as gifts at a wedding (that couple has long since divorced, but their wedding gifts live on). Here’s the long (blurry, sorry) shot:

And here’s the close-up view.

That stack of photos only looked like that for a few days.  I had the windows open, and kept hearing a strange noise at odd intervals.  Eventually I wandered over and discovered that the photos had been being blown off their perch one by one.  They are now sitting in the same folding holder they used to be in and that keeps them safe from the wind.

A past way of meal planning

I had a spiral-bound recipe book and was integrating those recipes into my regular recipe 3-ring binders.  In the front were some notes from when I was pantry-style cooking and whipping things up.  I had my monthly shopping list, my regular breakfasts, my rotation of beans, and a list of things to make regularly to have on hand to assemble meals. Plus my cooking plan and a rotation so I would buy specialty oils on a regular basis.

If memory serves, this was a moderately successful venture. While I’m good at cooking from recipes, I’m not the greatest at taking prepared ingredients and making a fabulous meal, possibly because I’m not good at seasoning food. Thus, everything kind of tastes the same.

I think after this I signed up for a monthly Stonesoup subscription where she sent me six (or seven?) 5-ingredient recipes. That cost $20 per month and I did that for about a year.