Remember Lint? Maybe not. Lint is my project of general improvement I do some years during the season of Lent. Lint started one year when I decided to improve my wardrobe during the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. One year I decided to meditate and eat mashed potatoes every day.
It’s time to pick a Lint project for 2016. And that project is: to walk across the Steel Bridge BOTH ways each workday between now and Easter.
I’ve recently started a new job and decided to sneak some exercise into my day by getting off the train at Rose Quarter and walking the rest of the way to work. It’s a nice 20 minute walk, which, in theory I walk the reverse on the way home. In theory. I often find reasons not to make the end-of-day walk.
So for the next 40 or so days, I will make sure I make both trips over the bridge.*
*There will be a slight exception this Friday because I already had plans to meet up with the boyfriend after work. But every other work day** I have plans to walk.
**Actually, the first Wednesday of this project I had book group. In order to make it on time I couldn’t walk across the bridge. So if there are reasons like that, those are okay.
I hope Lint is going well. My Lent is going okay. I’m working hard not to curse. Its funny when I curse and then curse at realizing I have cursed! Classic!
Lint is going well. Although I don’t think the existence of the Lint goal is making me walk any more than I would anyway…
Lint always cracks me up!
Do you switch it up by walking the upstairs path one way and the downstairs path the other way?
An excellent question. I walk on the upstairs, north-side sidewalk both ways. If I walked on the lower path I would probably add 10 minutes to my commute each way, and we can’t have that. The upstairs path is not as lovely as the lower one, but it has it’s charms. I was mentally planning a blog post about my walk on Friday. We shall see if I get the pictures take for it.