Parade Magazine Photo Spread: You win some, you lose some.

On the one hand, when a heterosexual couple rides a tandem bike, it is very uncommon to find the female in front.  Really. In real life, I’ve only seen it once.  This makes no sense to me as most women are smaller than their partners and it would make sense for them to be in front so they can see something beside their companion’s sweaty back.  So I liked this pairing that places–wait, who is that?  Kelly?  I think it’s Kelly Ripa?  Anyway, it places her in front of her new co-host.
However, look at her shoes!

Good lord, no!

2 thoughts on “Parade Magazine Photo Spread: You win some, you lose some.”

  1. There were girls traipsing around at the Iwo Jima Memorial last night in tight "bandage" dresses and stacked wedges like this. One in particular caught the eye of every man an the tsk-tsking of every woman. She looked so out of place. The shoes and the skirt were cute, just an odd choice for ground sitting and picnicking.

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