After Lunch, but Before Flight

The plus of leaving in the late afternoon is that you don’t have to hurry to the airport. The minus is that it can be hard to time the last day correctly.

We went to Walmart to buy souvenirs and then hung out at Nawiliwili Park and watched the surfers and SUPs until it was time to go to the airport. There were a few SUPs with hydrofoils.

After that, it was time to return the car, put our luggage through the fruit inspection, and hang out at the gate.

The Batman at Waimea Theater

We walked over to Waimea Theater to catch the Batman. Our visit to the theater turned out to be quite the cultural experience.

We bought our tickets online before we went, as requested by the theater. Upon arrival, we waited in line and observed much chatter among the other people in line. People were running into each other and catching up.

When they opened the doors we filed in. Matt had our ticket receipt ready, but no one checked to see if we had paid. There were a few super comfy seats and we grabbed them, not really knowing if we should or not. No one said anything so either we were terrible visitors or they were free game.

Before the movie started, we watched audience members circulating and chatting. Most people seemed to know the other people in the audience, which was a change from how movie theaters work in my world. I would guess the last time I saw so much conviviality at a movie theater was in college in Nevada, Missouri.

After the movie, a larger chunk of audience than usual settled in to wait for through the credits for the final credit sequence. They continued chatting.

It was a very fun experience, especially since we got to walk to and from the theater.

The movie itself was good, if a bit long.

Mini Golf at Kauai Miniature Golf and Botanical Gardens

Aloha! We stopped for mini golf and I did not stop to fix my camera before taking this picture.

Miniature golf places seem to either be old and worn out (yet still enjoyable) or faaaaancy (and enjoyable). This place was in the latter category. It had a ton of plants (the botanical garden part) and really interesting interpretive signs.

We were behind a large group, so there was some hanging out waiting.

The holes were challenging and interesting.

I really liked this graphic. Very nicely done!

More killing time, this time with timer photos.

I had time to grab a picture of this lily. So pretty.

As you can see, I got the most points, and so I won.

Afterward, we got OnoPops and sat in their picnic area. Matt got a green tea variety (he liked it, I didn’t) and I got a Mexican chocolate variety.