Three sentence movie reviews: Naomi & Ely’s No Kiss List


To be fair, I really didn’t like either of the characters in the book this movie was adapted from, so I wasn’t expecting much from this movie. It’s very pretty and it deals nicely with various emotions felt when the guy you like doesn’t like you back.  However, sometimes depictions of fabulous (said with that slightly board socialite tone) New York existences turn me off , as was the case for this movie.

Cost:  $3.99 through Google Play
Where watched: at home on Matt’s Surface.  (We’ve really got to apply some time to researching how we can stream things on our TV)

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Three sentence movie reviews: A Royal Night Out


One of those movies I’m guaranteed to like, what with being very interested in identity formation and young people going out into the world on their own.  This is a gorgous tale of V-E Day celebrations and how the crown princess and P2 celebrate. I think my teeth dried out from my smiling so much.

Cost: free due to mom’s Netflix account
Where watched: at mom’s with mom.

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2016 Harvest Report

The good:  my many squash plants produced!  I enjoyed having a trombone zucchini and I even got a beet!

The bad: two of My Oregon Sweet Meat squash split, which meant they wouldn’t keep.  I cut out the rotted part of one squash and the rest was fine.  The other I gave to someone at work.  He and his housemates ate it for a long time.

I had saved seed of delicata squash and it didn’t grow true.  Perhaps it was a hybrid.  A goodly number of my delicata squash look like delicata-shaped acorn squash.  Also, of my two trombone zucchini plants, one of them seemed to be more yellow squash than zucchini squash.