Cooking Tales

Here are five pounds of home-grown potatoes, ready to be made into mashed potatoes for the holiday.

How is it that the vegan ended up seemingly the only full-time employee of the FoodDay staff?

I am bringing ingredients for cheese bread over to Kelly’s tonight.  I decided to specially make Sandwich Bread.  Two hours into the rise I realized the bread wasn’t rising because I forgot to put in the yeast.  Blast!  I ended up buying some sourdough.

Shrug and a return to the Laurel Uniform Project.

It’s getting really cold and I need to finish this shrug.  So here I go.  Look how much I took off the sleeves!  That would be the line sewn into the sleeve area.  Then I trimmed and bound.
Attaching binding on the edge of the sleeve.
And to the inside.  Matt’s out of town and I wasn’t in the mood for a self-capturing of the final product, so an official picture will come later.
And here we have a muslin of the Laurel Dress.
And here I am wearing it.  It’s too loose in the front, but guess what?  I’m going to sew it that way anyway.
The back looks good, but could be taken in a bit across the seat.  But guess what?  It’s getting sewn this way.

I’m ready to be done with the uniform project. Which isn’t really the best way to sew, but there you have it.

Three sentence movie reviews: Dallas Buyers Club

I found this movie to be a bit of a meander and repetitive and so I don’t recommend it if you like a tight, quick story.  However, if you are interested in great acting, or a well-executed period piece, this is your film.  Despite being difficult for me to look at*  Matthew McConaughey was a marvel, as was the always under-appreciated Jared Leto and the similarly appraised Jennifer Garner.**

poster from:

Cost:  $9.00
Where watched:  Regal Fox Tower with S. North.

*Much too thin.
**Who had a great wardrobe of outfits my elementary school teachers would have worn.