Vintage Cakes: Cassata Cake

According to Vintage Cakes, this cake was brought to America at the turn of the 20th century from Sicily and has flourished in Ohio. This version is a vanilla cream cake with ricotta-cream frosting, orange zest, chocolate shavings, and blueberries. The blueberries were supposed to be strawberries, but it must have been very cold in California this spring, because strawberries were not to be found.

I didn’t love this particular flavor combination, but I knew that going in.  It was a good cake, otherwise.

Three sentence movie reviews: Lucky Them

Toni Collette’s musician boyfriend up and disappeared 10 years ago and her life has been on a downslide ever since. Desperate circumstances and an internet video of a guy who might be the missing boyfriend cause her to make an attempt to locate him; she enlists rich, retired internet guy Thomas Haden Church in her quest. This is full of woman character development and Collette is as fun to watch as she usually is.

Cost: Free from library
Where watched: at home

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