Three sentence movie reviews: Philomina

Judy Dench is one of the incredibly rare actors that seemingly everything she does is worth watching and this was no exception.  I was interested in Steve Coogan, an actor I had only seen in comedies*, taking a quite good dramatic turn.  Many small details in this film delight, especially for anyone of a certain age who has a mother of a greater age, and I was surprised to be shocked and moved as much as I was.**

Cost:  Free due to Regal Crown Club kicking me out a free movie.
Where watched:  Some huge Regal Theater in East Vancouver with Kelly and Margaret.***

*For me, most memorably as the short-lived director in the hilariously funny Tropic Thunder
**This was a solid film.  Recommended.
***”This is my first film in a theater since December.” said Margaret, who had recently returned from the Ukraine.  “This is my first film in a theater since yesterday.” said I, who needs to reign in her consumption of first-run movies, STAT!

4 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Philomina”

  1. I've never even heard of this movie! I say this so often when you've posted something about an indie film that I'm thinking of doing an indie film project on my blog next year.

  2. I first heard about this movie with the current MPAA rating system issues. This got an R rating for a few uses of profanity, while other films with incredible about of violence got a PG. It is an interesting conversation to have about the system.

  3. That is essentially what the piece on NPR was saying. They also were pretty clear that it was likely a no go for change.

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