Isn’t that what answering machines are for?

One of the messages on the answering machine today was the following:

“Hi this is Justina, I’m sorry I didn’t find you at home. I was just calling to share a comforting thought with you from the Bible. I can try another time. Thank you.”

Um, Justina. Why not just leave the comforting thought on the machine? Then you won’t have to call back. And are you just calling random people in the phone book? And why?

I was oddly charmed and confused by this message. It’s sort of the answering machine version of those prayers to St. Jude that are sometimes in the classified ads.

One thought on “Isn’t that what answering machines are for?”

  1. It is interesting. Did she leave a number so you could call her? I suppose it is better that door to door, right? And I always loved those uber-Catholic ads in the paper…and I always wondered if anyone’s life was ever transformed by those! -S

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