Jockey’s Slip Shorts.

In the quest to live life without chafing thighs, I purchased Jockey’s Slip Shorts.  They are light and breathable and not at all restrictive like Spanx and other girdle-type shorts are.  I loved how they fit, they were very comfortable.
Unfortunately, the “slip” turned out to be a verb and not a noun.  Those shorts would not stay in place.  Wearing them under my uniform dress, I had to hike them up roughly every six steps.  And that’s too much adjusting of underwear in public.   I tested to see just how far they would slip down by walking to the store without hiking them up.  I hadn’t gone a block when they had crawled down to my knees and I resorted to holding them up at knee level to keep them from ending up around my ankles.
There was no clear sense of sizing either.  In the dressing room I tried on LG, XL, XXL, XXXL in different colors and lengths and all seemed to fit exactly the same.  I went with the smallest size I tried on.  Maybe I should have gone smaller?  Or maybe this product needs to go back to the drawing board.

HabitRPG Back to School Tips #3

More ways that HabitRPG helps you to keep your life easy.

Do you need a nag? HabitRPG can be your nag.

Put anything you need to remember on the To-Do list.   Right now, sitting right at the top is my reminder to buy cat food.  Because I log into Habit at least once per day, that reminder to buy cat food is sitting right where I need it to be to keep it in the forefront of my mind.

As time passes, the the task changes color, ending in a very grumpy looking red.  However, when you finally complete your grumpy red task, you are rewarded with gold.  Gold that can buy gear.  And non-tangible rewards are quite fun.

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