Postcard from the Capital of the Confederacy.

That would be Richmond, Virginia, for those of you unsure.  
This is from regular commenter Sara and she reports that Richmond has an amazing art museum and it’s FREE!
Pretty cool, as is this sculpture by Barry Flanagan.

3 thoughts on “Postcard from the Capital of the Confederacy.”

  1. I love free art museums! Dallas made theirs free after we moved there. I think I went twice. It was great! Actually, Austin's was free as well. It was pretty good too, although a little on the small side.

  2. I only find it a bit odd that the sculpture has no context. When we get to that blog post (OMG we are so behind because of a certain person's Hungary trip and our general busyness from moving in less than 30 days), you will see how big it is in person. we took a selfie right in front of that hoppy friend.

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