Not such a great Postcrossing month on the receiving end…

I love how the Postcrossing people not only facilitate the sending and receiving of postcards around the world, but they also enjoy stats as much as me.  Sadly, these stats show it was a dry month for receiving postcards.  Oh well, I guess more will come in January.
Hello Patricia!

In December your mailbox was happy 1 day!
Here are some more statistics about your account

 in Postcrossing:

Your numbers
December Ever
Postcards sent 5 51
Postcards received 2 50

Country ranking
By sent 9550th
By distance 9797th

Country distribution

In December you sent postcards to…
postcards sent

Country Sent Travel (avg)
China 1 21
Germany 1 13
Russia 1 39
U.S.A. 1 9
Ukraine 1 41
In December you received postcards from…
postcards sent

Country Received Travel (avg)
Netherlands 1 11
U.S.A. 1 7

Top 3 favourite postcards

Sent by you in December

1 favourite

All-time favourites

5 favourites

3 favourites

3 favourites
Hungry for more statistics? Check your profile stats page


2 thoughts on “Not such a great Postcrossing month on the receiving end…”

  1. Yeah, me too. And it pretty much continues to be bone dry. I hope it picks up soon! It's always so cheering to open up the mailbox and see a postcard.

  2. That means your mail box had 30 days of sad. Too bad. Hopefully other holiday items helped it not go out for a prescription for Zoloft.

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