
The city of Boise is 150 years old!  The Sesqui-Shop is downtown and has exhibits about the city’s history.  There is also a celebration on July 7 which I will miss, and am quite sad about.

This is a fabulous map of the city limits through the years.  I learned that my house only became part of the city in 1963.

A taxi map from the 50s doesn’t even include my childhood neighborhood.   Probably because it was still the gleam in the eye of the developer who built it.
Idaho Blueprint and Supply is still in existence!
I would be to the left of section 140.

I had a good time at the Sesqui-Shop and even bought a pin to wear on July 7. Happy 150, Boise!

2 thoughts on “Sesqui-Shop”

  1. Ooh, I'm bummed that I missed this. We bought a sesqui-something at the handmade (etsy-like) shop in the Old Boise Building. We felt the need to mark the day as well!

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