A delicious lunch

I was rewarded by venturing out in the snow, by this delicious lunch.  An apple, Triscuits (my favorite crackers), kalamata olives, mini dolmas and bits of cheese.  I’ve just discovered New Seasons sells bits of cheese, which is great, because I can never justify buying the bigger pieces.
It was delicious.

2 thoughts on “A delicious lunch”

  1. That looks so yummy! Except for the dolmas. I've never been a big fan. I would say it's because maybe I've never had "good" ones, but I don't really like the meat in them.

  2. I like how pretty your plate looks. Everything in its own place. Barely even touching. 🙂

    we have a grocery store here that sells ends and extras of lunch meat – all sliced and at about half the price. I was pretty thrilled when I discovered that! 🙂

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