Postards (3) from Dinkytown

This is a postcard from the Art-A-Whirl Sara and Shawn went to.  This artist (Terri Myers Wentzka) has a lot of egg/nature themes and adds found lists to her art.  Very nice! IMG_3382 Also arrieved in the mail today, postcards #2 & #3 in our Dinkytown series.  Now I can piece together the whole story.

Sara walks through this neighborhood every day on her way to the U.  Apparently, in 1970, students protested the coporatization of Dinkytown and they occupied buildings for over 40 days before they were were removed forcefully.  A now-defunct fast food chain–the Red Barn Coproration, eventually backed out of their development plans.  You can see the destruction of the original building in postacard #1, by looking at the last postcard in this post. IMG_3383

Sara knows this history because she and Shawn attended a local documentary inter-splices the 92 year-old documentarian’s footage from the 70s with interviews and images from the protests.  She reports that it was clear that locals from the 70s were also in the auditorium. Of the buildings, only Al’s Diner remains.  IMG_3384What an excellent local history lesson!  Thanks Sara!

2 thoughts on “Postards (3) from Dinkytown”

  1. Ah, I should have been more patient. Instead of looking up the details myself, I should have waited to see if you had an explanation when you got the rest of the cards. I’m a sucker for black and white photography, so I love these.

  2. I am so glad that these finally came. Ever since that handful of cards went astray (perhaps to the land where socks are also lost) I worry that there will be more losses. The history was so interesting and not really ever part of the general knowledge here. There aren’t even any historic signs in Dinkytown to commemorate the protests! They did have to extend the stay of the documentary at the theater which was exciting. I think it was extended over a month, which bodes well for the filmmaker and the new awareness of some in our community.

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