O! Postcrossing, why do you give me two postcards on the same day instead of spreading them out?
Those Boise, Idaho readers know that I loved this Basque Country postcard. For those not in the know, Boise has a pretty strong basque community. The postcard is from Dani, who asks me to send her something. I’ve not yet done so, but I’m not ruling it out.
And where is Limburg? Why the Netherlands, of course, didn’t you know? (I didn’t, I had to look it up.) Peggy sends me this card and remarks that it’s funny she is sending a postcard to me in Portland, Oregon as she will soon be leaving on a trip to the Pacific Northwest, traveling from Seattle to San Francisco. She was planning to visit either Portland or the Gorge, depending on weather. When I registered the postcard, I told her that sounded like a fabulous trip.

Reading her Postcrossing profile, I found that Peggy is also very cool because she requests the tourist cards (some Postcrossing people don’t like them) and then uses them to plan her travels. You are a smart lady, Peggy.
Reading her Postcrossing profile, I found that Peggy is also very cool because she requests the tourist cards (some Postcrossing people don’t like them) and then uses them to plan her travels. You are a smart lady, Peggy.
I love that Peggy is making her plans with the tourist cards. Very clever. The Basque card is completely awesome. I really love it!!!
Wow, Peggy had a great idea! I never would have thought of that.