The Rosetown Ramblers went skating at Oaks Park and I had a quite good time.
The skates I rented. Though skating is fun, my feet hurt while I’m doing it.

Look at the price! Yikes!

If I wanted to, I could join the club that makes Oaks Park their home.

But I could probably not join the speed skating club.

I was surprised at how crowded the rink was on a Sunday afternoon, but I guess indoor family fun things are a big deal in February. I managed the skating quite well, and had enough fun that I envisioned a future where I took all the skate classes and became a really great skater.
And then I talked myself down. The joy of being in my 40s is that I can remind myself to focus on the many things I already do that I love.
And also, skating hurts my feet.
“Healthful excise. Delightful pleasure.” Seriously adorable! The roller dome near our church always calls…and always seems busy. But we have never been.
Hmmmm…can’t remember when I last went skating.
Minus the hurt feet, this seems fun!
Perhaps a post-dissertating, pre-moving thing…