Three sentence movie reviews: La La Land

This isn’t a musical to go to for the singing and dancing, because Stone and Gosling–delightful as they are–aren’t really much of either singers or dancers.  But it is a movie to go to and get caught up in the sparkle of the musical motion picture itself–the sets, the acting, the story.  The whole thing was so mesmerizing, I found myself clapping after one scene, completely forgetting I was in a movie theater, not a Jazz club.*

Cost: $11.50
Where watched: Regal Fox Tower, on opening night. Because I couldn’t wait for the matinee.

*Also, my hometown of Boise is mentioned several times,** at an important point in the movie.
**Note that they do not pronounce Boise like the natives do.

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5 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: La La Land”

  1. Every time I hear somebody pronounce Boise wrong, I think of you.

    I was underwhelmed by this film, which I think I’ve told you before. Maybe someday I’ll watch it again and see if I like it better. I think I simply expected too much the first time around.

    1. I’m not even that adamant about the mispronunciation. People saying “Oregon” and “Nevada” incorrectly really annoys me.

      My friend summed La La Land up nicely when she said, “Once I started thinking of it as a movie about a relationship with a little singing and dancing on the side, I enjoyed it much more.”

  2. The Boise bits were a fun touch even with the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I really liked this movie. Then I saw reviews about its white savior trope and I felt more ambiguous.

    1. It’s been interesting to notice how often I think about this movie. Just today, for instance, I was contemplating it. I haven’t watched it again, but I think I might like to. It might help settle if where I fall on the like/don’t like scale.

  3. The music would not leave my head. I will have to say, the singing might not have been the best but the lyric and score were VERY CATCHY. I might get the main song stuck in my head just thinking about it.

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