Three sentence movie reviews–Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

I really liked this movie when it was first released; like the critic from the Willamette Week I would have married it if I could. So I was surprised at how unattached I was during this viewing. There are some memorable lines and the voice over thing, which could have gone so badly, is so, so good; overall I would say, if you haven’t seen it do, if you have, stay content with your memories.

Bechdel rating. Has two women: nope.

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Three sentence movie reviews–Lonesome Jim

Not as bad as the movie where Casey Affleck plays a slightly dumb landscaper, but almost. The best part of this movie was the preview for Clerks II. The movie itself perpetuates the belief that really stupid people live in small towns, as well as having an ending that had me crying, “Nooooooooo!” when I know the writer wanted me to feel happy.

Bechdel rating: Two women: nope.