Three sentence movie reviews: What’s Up, Doc?

As the poster tells us, this is Bogdanovich’s attempt to bring back the screwball comedy, which, given that I can’t think of any other screwball comedies made in the 1970s, apparently did not start a huge trend.  I found both Streisand and O’Neal off-putting in their roles at first, but they grew on my and the great chase scene at the end won me over.  This is also one of those rare family friendly films, plus Madeline Kahn is fantastic and very much worth watching.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home.

A Ruby Oliver Film Festival choice.

poster from:

0 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: What’s Up, Doc?”

  1. Oh Madeline Kahn, what a gem. Would you call the Smoky and the Bandit films screwball? We watched all of those when I was a kid.

  2. I thought this film was hilarious the first time I saw it. After a second viewing, years later, I wasn’t sure why I’d liked it so much the first time. The chase scene is still awesome though.

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