Day 17. Where I Don’t Get as Much Done as I Wanted

May 2022. This is a post from the beginning of the pandemic. It’s been sitting in my draft folder for more than two years now. I am publishing it without revising, so please excuse its first-draft form.

But where I also planted the Tree Collards!

I got six hours of work in today. I had to take an hour off to take Sentinel to get his stitches out, and then another hour to pick Matt up from work. So it wasn’t quite the productive day, hours-wise I was hoping. That was disappointing.

On the upside, last fall I ordered Tree Collard cuttings, which are a perennial plant that allows one to harvest collard-like greens on a perpetual basis. As I eat a lot of greens (I bought four bunches of kale during yesterday’s WinCo trip) having a steady supply is an attractive notion.

I had to start them in pots over the winter. I haven’t necessarily been good at doing that before, and I didn’t go and buy fancy potting medium, I just used the same potting soil I use to grow the cats’ wheat grass.

But little by little they seemed to be taking root. And today they have been transplanted to their own holes in the ground!

It looks like I should plan to take some cuttings every autumn just in case my tree collards don’t make it through the winter. But now I feel confident in doing that.

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