Postcard from Germany

IMG_3221This is from Manuela, who lives in the Black Forest region of Germany.  Her favorite quote is, “A smile has no accent.” I really like both the quote and the postcard.


5 thoughts on “Postcard from Germany”

  1. Why yes indeed. I want to visit, with lots of books, and sit and read in some romantic nook for ages.

  2. I just had a thought. I would love to see some of the postcards you send. Do you have a set postcrossing PDX postcard or do you just send the ones you pick up along the way?

    1. Good question. I do take pictures of the postcards I send, because they get uploaded to the Postcrossing website. Here’s my list:

      Which I’m not sure if you can see without being a member of the site. I send a lot of Portland or Oregon centric postcards. Powell’s used to have 5 for a dollar ones which I would send to people who aren’t picky. A lot of people don’t like multi-view postcards. Postcrossers can be quite fussy. But Powell’s also has a lot of fancy Portland/Oregon ones that sell for a dollar each. They have an okay wall of fun postcards. The postcard buyer and my tastes don’t hugely jibe, but I find enough that I had to set a budget.

      But my favorite ones are the letterpressed ones I can find at Crafty Wonderland. And the ones by Ursula Barton ( She has the fabulous series of the bridges with the buildings in the background and I’ve sent a lot of those. They cost $2.00 though, so I can only buy them when I’m feeling particularly flush.

      Interestingly, in tidying, I found a ton of postcards bought over the years that I never sent. So I probably won’t have to buy postcards for a goodly amount of time. Which makes me kind of sad. Especially since I have $40.00 in credit on a Powell’s card from selling my books.

  3. Wow, that is a truly magnificent card. Like Sara, I would like to curl up on a deck with a cup of coffee and some good books. Looks like a little slice of heaven. Really like the quote too.

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