I feel like maybe this could have been a good movie, and also a franchise, but something didn’t translate well to screen. Part of the problem was Ashley Sommers performance, which was either terrible, or she was directed to act in the manner of a 40s-era rapid-fire female lead. Those bodachs (the grabby things in the poster) were nicely creepy crawly and Yelchin did his usual good job, but this movie was just a so-so venture.
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home
poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2013/odd_thomas_ver7.html
Ahhh…so close. I appreciate the strong details you give about the why of the enh review. Nicely done on your part.
I actually liked this one! I saw it a few years ago. I was absolutely devastated by the ending. Yelchin was so good in it!
I see that Ashley Sommers shares a last name with the writer/director. I tried to figure out if she was his daughter but didn’t immediately find that info. However, the only other thing she’s been in was directed by the same guy, so it’s reasonably safe to assume that she is. Perhaps that is why her acting chops were minimal.
I’ve heard that the book series starts out great and quickly nosedives.
I noticed on IMDB she doesn’t have a photo up. That usually means she’s gone to live in the country and forsaken movies forever. Good sleuthing on the relationship stuff.
And yes, Yelchin was quite good!