Wander through a long weekend in the life of a freshman student on his college baseball team. And I do mean wander, as this movie takes a lot of time to really focus in on things.* I started out kind of bored,** but eventually realized I had been smiling for the last 20 minutes; so overall, I rated this as fun to look at and an enjoyable film, despite its shortcomings.**
Cost: $9.25
Where watched: Regal Fox Tower with S. North
*The “Rappers Delight” segment goes on for a very long time. In this clip, they are just getting started. Similarly, there is a lot of disco dancing, scenes long enough that I spent a goodly amount of time wondering what the sessions looked like when the actors were learning the choreography.
**And had ample time to wonder about the slightly awkward looking good looking people Richard Linklater picks for his stand-ins. (Wiley Wiggins as Mitch in Dazed and Confused, Blake Jenner as Jake in this film.) Does Richard Linklater think of himself as awkwardly good looking?
***The aforementioned pace. Plus, the main character’s unending confidence was weird to me. Was he not at all nervous about staring college? Did he never have second doubts about his choices, any of them?
Also. The soundtrack–much more varied than Dazed and Confused–was quite interesting.
poster from:
(I liked this one better, but felt compelled to lead with the one with the people on it.)
Keeping your Linklater boxes ticked off. Very well done. I thought it was a 70’s movie, which was the plan, I would guess.
I feel like I blinked and missed this one. I saw exactly one promo for it (ahead of “Eddie the Eagle”) and wanted to see it. I don’t even know when it came out. Ah, I see it hit its limited release (which means it surely played in LA) the day before Dan lost his job. I was a bit distracted during the brief period it was in theaters.