This came to me via a preview before another movie and I was intrigued, mostly because I haven’t seen much of Minnie Driver of late. It was amusing, and I found myself caught up in how they were going to make everything come out all right in the end. I’ll let you watch and find out if they did.
Cost: $2.00 from Videorama
Where watched: at home.
poster from:
(Bonus: funny scene for people who know people who are scared of birds. In the DVD extras we find out that in real life Rose Byrne is one of those bird-fearers)
As friend to a bird-fearer, I know she will find comfort in the good company.
See. It's not irrational. They WILL peck your eyes out!
I think Netflix keeps suggesting this movie to me. Maybe I'll check it out.
I wouldn't say that I'm scared of birds but I only like the really smart ones (crows, owls, hawks, etc.). The not-so-smart ones, I'm creeped out by their beady little eyes.