Three sentence movie reviews: Guardians of the Galaxy

Round two was just as good as round one which is saying something because we only saw this a month ago.  I managed to stay mostly awake for the whole thing and that’s also saying something because I was up long past my bedtime.  I was looking for a specific quote to end this review but was distracted by this one instead:
Gamora: I’m a warrior, an assassin. I don’t dance.
Peter Quill: Really? Well, on my planet, we have a legend about people like you. It’s called Footloose. And in it, a great hero, named Kevin Bacon, teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that, dancing, well, is the greatest thing there is.

Cost:  Free, if you apply all $8.00 of the entrance fee to Blazing Saddles, which I did in the last post.
Where watched:  Newberg Drive-in with Matt.

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Three sentence movie reviews: Blazing Saddles

I think Lili Von Stupp’s song “I’m Tired” would make a wonderful karaoke performance, if someone were so inclined.  This is packed full of boy humor (Matt contributed to the farting scene and tried to convince me it was the movie) and many gags.  I found it very meta, decades before meta was a thing.

Cost:  $8.00
Where watched:  The Newberg Drive-In with Matt.

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Three sentence movie reviews: If I Stay

Yes some of the dialogue is cringe-inducing, and sure the movie totally changes the big speech at the end by the boyfriend, missing the point entirely that was made in the book.  But despite all that, I really enjoyed this movie much more than I thought I would* and particularly enjoyed the happy family scenes.**  However, the realization that songs that were hip and cool when I was in college have become campfire sing alongs was a harsh reminder that I’m the same age as the parents, not the teenagers.

Cost:  some part of $8.50 because I used the last of my gift card.
Where watched:  Regal Lloyd Cinema 10 with Tara, Perri and Sunita.

*Though admittedly, I went in with low expectations.
**The parents are perfectly cast and So. Much. Fun.

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