Zidell Yards Drive-in

My friend bought tickets to see The Birds at the Zidell Yards Drive-in, but the show was rescheduled because of the smoke we had in September. She’s not a fan of going out on Sundays, so she gave me the tickets. Huzzah!

I do love a good drive-in theater. And I also find myself wishing that the pop-up drive-in theaters could rustle up a drive-in-sized screen. This is the same size screen that is used for movies-in-the-park-type events, where families sit no more than fifty to 100 feet away. The ratio with this screen from the car feels like when I had a 13-inch TV/VCR combo.

The view, though? Great!

Small-screen gripes aside, it was nice to see a movie sitting on a seat that was not my couch.

2 thoughts on “Zidell Yards Drive-in”

  1. What a great windfall! No thank you to this particular choice of movies. The screen is SOOOOOOO tiny! There has to be a way to get a big – regular-sized screen – in the mix!!

    1. While I don’t have the bird fear you do, I did worry about the well being of the birds during filming.

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