Three sentence movie reviews: Love and Basketball


I’ve seen this before,* and remembered loving it; and I’m happy to report that despite the passage of 16 years, this movie is still as fresh and as enjoyable as it was at the turn of the millennium. Partially this is due to Gina Prince-Bythewood’s ability to write and film a love story, and partially because Sanaa Lathan and Omar Epps go above and beyond their acting duties and infuse their characters with so many levels of humanity, you can’t help falling in love with them yourself.** Overall, I think it’s a travesty that Prince-Bythewood isn’t directing a feature film every couple of years or so.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home.

*In 2000, when I was in Lincoln, NE for a wedding and borrowed a bike so I could ride to the theater.
**I do have some problems with the “forth quarter” of the movie, but those quibbles are not for the three sentence movie review.

If you are in the mood for a longer review, I think Roger Ebert makes some good points about the kind of “sports film” this is.  Reading it, I’m reminded of how I miss his reviews.

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4 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Love and Basketball”

  1. Dan owns this movie and has spent our whole relationship trying to get me to watch it. I’ve remained resistant for unknown reasons. Perhaps I should finally give in.

    1. PERHAPS YOU SHOULD! It’s so good. I’m very happy that Dan likes it. Roger Ebert points out that it’s the rare sports movie that doesn’t have the main focus be the outcome of the big game. And the acting is so good!

      Plus, if you watch it, we can talk about my quibbles with the fourth quarter.

      I was buying Pho for lunch this week and apropos of nothing the guy at the counter said, “Seen any good movies lately?” He hadn’t heard of Brooklyn, which I strongly recommended. But when I mentioned Love and Basketball he said he loved it and used to watch it all the time in high school.

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