Postcards from Minnesota, Minnesota, and Minnesota

These three are from Sara, whom you might know from the comments section.  She writes me from her Spring Break, which is a week before my Spring Break.  She reports that the boot was a very fun curiosity stop.  Apparently Minnesota has quite a few such stops.

These are two postcards of the Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine.  Which, even for the Catholics seems like an overstatement.

Sara wonders if I will get all three postcards in one day and I can report that they did arrive all at once.

0 thoughts on “Postcards from Minnesota, Minnesota, and Minnesota”

  1. Yay! They did arrive, all together and on the same day. Not like the time when the few cards were missing!

  2. Well, if you can believe it, I have a (sort of) funny Red Wing, MN story. The year I lived in MN, I took Amtrak back my college town of Bloomington, IN to visit a friend. As we neared the MN border, the conductor came over the intercom, "We have two Red Wings. Two Red Wings, this stop." I was so confused! "Two Red Wing hockey players? What are they talking about?" I had no idea that Red Wing was the name of a town. And now, nearly 20 years later, I discover that it has a very large boot.

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