New Camera!!!!!

With the sadness of the death of the old camera, comes the happiness of the new.  This one is another Canon.  It’s a PowerShot SX170IS.  I’m not in love like I was with my previous camera.  But I think we will like each other very much.

Let’s play!  Here is Antares, looking grumpy that I have taken his picture.

And again.
And here is how far away from Antares I was standing when I took those two pictures.  Excellent zoom!
Sentinel!  With flash.
Let’s test the fish-eye feature.
Extreme fish-eye and Antares.
Back to normal.
Here’s a new feature I didn’t have before.  Timer, than three shots.  Here are three of Antares.
And three of Sentinel (with flash).
Three more of Sentinel (without flash).
Here is an early morning shot of Paul Bunyan peeking through the trees.

As soon as I read that owners manual (which I have to download as a PDF, it didn’t come with the camera) we will discover all sorts of interesting things, I’m sure.

Welcome Canon PowerShot SX170IS!

2 thoughts on “New Camera!!!!!”

  1. I don't think I've ever seen a cat look quite so angry to have his/her picture taken as Antares does in the first two photos.

  2. Sorry you don't love it as much as the old one. Nice to have new capabilities, though. We are Sony peeps. Isn't it funny how one brand of camera is a favorite?

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