Postcard from China

IMG_3144This is from Peifang who lives in China.  She hopes I will like her card.  I did, as I think Expos are very interesting things.  I’m hoping to go to one someday.  This card also included pretty stamps.IMG_3146And a handy explanation of the World Expo 2010 emblem.IMG_3145

3 thoughts on “Postcard from China”

  1. I’m so thrilled that it explained the emblem! I was genuinely curious. That’s a beautiful idea. I wonder what, exactly, the point of the expo was, though.

    1. I suspect the point was the same as most expos. To convince people and businesses that your city/region is perfect for settling/setting up shop in. 🙂

      I failed to know it was happening though, so it wasn’t successful in that regard.

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