I’ve fallen behind on the August Year of Stitch sampler, and I am throwing in the towel. Honestly, it was the four rows of block shading that killed my progress. Block shading is essentially satin stitch, a stitch I don’t love. I also wasn’t pleased as to how the colors were coming along. Though the top ones were great.

Before I quit, I did turkey rug stitch (the sun, and the stitch I would probably do last if doing this again), sorbello stitch (the sky), cloud filling (the mountains), block shading (the tiny bit below the mountains), and a combo of Chinese knots and figure eight knots because I didn’t like how the Chinese knots were filling the space.
This was a fun design. Had I continued, I would have done brick couching that would have fallen off the picture in a fun and dramatic way. But sometimes it’s just good to call it and move on.
If you are interested, you can find this pattern at Maydel, and the colors are already chosen. (Or you can choose your own.)